Here's my typical weekdays schedule: 9am - 6 or 7pm: Work
8pm: Reach home, dinner, bath, sleep. Because I am DEAD TIRED!
So I only study during weekends. And I take a long time to process the higher level of Japanese.
I am definitely not going to pass. There isn't much time to prepare but I'll still study on my own pace to prepare for the December's exam. This time I am going to pass the exam.
Anyway, I'm enjoying my work a lot. Yeah, things go sucky at times but I'm learning new things. I've just released the third trailer for my college's 30th Anniversary. Ok, it's not exactly a trailer since it's too long, about 8 minutes plus. It's more to the lecturers and staff giving their messages to their former and current MCKLians. Click on A Message: See You There!! to watch it, alright? I'm in the process of completing 4 videos in one time; one of them is the second part of A Message: See You There!! So MCKLians, watch out for more of the top guns of our college appearing on YouTube in a fabulous way!
Have you watched Kurt Hugo Schneider's videos? This guy is a genius in music! A talented composer, musician and director. I love his Maroon5 Medley!! Genius work. Challenging but his team pulled it off beautifully. I'm inspired to make a video like this. I just need to finish up my work, then I can focus on getting the necessary materials for this video. :) Feeling excited and pumped!!! I tweet him almost everyday just to thank him for inspiring me with his music.
I did a personality test and the results showed that I am an introvert. Of course my friends refuse to believe it but truthfully, I am. It took me a long time to approach my seniors just to ask them to help me with some recording. Yeah yeah, I was in student council, was popular but really, I am shy. I don't even know what to talk about whenever I'm with strangers! I remember some time ago when I had lunch with my best friend and his university mates. Man, it was awkward. They are nice people but I don't think we have anything in common, nor do we understand each other's topics. I can only be comfortable once I get to know people better, perhaps the third time talking to them?
My Canon camera is back from the 'hospital'. I'm happy because I can finally take good pictures and record videos. Speaking about videos, I'm planning to get myself a camcorder. AND!!! An iMac. I think my parents will kill me. Either an iMac or I buy a video editing software. Mum, if you see this post, please don't freak out and kill me.
Lastly, happy #3yearswithInfinite!!! I purposely got the music player for my blog just to play Infinite's latest song, Man In Love, to celebrate my 3-year loyalty towards Infinite. Proud to be an Inspirit!!
p/s: I'm loving my short hair!!! And I love this picture so much! It's friendship beyond race and religious differences.