December 8, 2012

Nightmares of Cat Mating Season.

Padi's a grown-up kitten now. No, wait. I don't know if I should even consider her as a kitten since she had already gone into heats. Heats?! Alright, it was the cats' mating season last week and since she isn't neutralized at all, Padi was behaving like a hooker, trying to lure a male. And lure a male she did!! That tomcat has been targeting her for a long while though.

How did we know that Padi was in a hooker mode?

  1. She made more noise and her meows are louder and more frequent, eventually becoming constant. Irritating 'music' to my ears!
  2. She was more affectionate towards us.
  3. She weaved in and out of her legs.
  4. She shook her pelvis.
  5. She rolls about the floor. (Beta was wondering if she had gone too playful.)
  6. She grabbed at our arms when we picked her up while she was rolling on the floor. 

However, being strict and not wanting a litter of kittens, I became the evil witch in Rapunzel by locking Padi up in her cage and chasing 'Prince Charming' away. I sprayed water at him. Gasp! I even warned him once that I would skin him alive (just a threat, I will never skin animals) and that bugger had the cheek to stare back at me, mocking at my frustration. Thankfully, Padi didn't get to mate, phew.

Alright, I know some people think that I was being cruel, stopping Padi from her natural desire. But it's for Padi's own good. She's still too young to be pregnant and to give birth. Besides, I think we've got enough cats at home. If Muk Ching were to find a litter of kittens appearing in the house all of a sudden, she'd rather face Doom's Day. And my family have more than enough pets to take care of. 2 cats and a rabbit. What more do we want? Definitely not kittens which were to be thrown away and killed by stray dogs.

More pictures of the adorable kitten which turned into a one-week hooker.

Her sleeping spot in the cupboard.

The week after mating season. She's back to her playful self now.

This is not Padi, but her senior Muk Ching. FYI, she's neutralized. So seeing males disgusts her. Single but will remain as a sexy spinster till death.
p/s: I love my pets.

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