August 25, 2013

Infinite OGS Malaysia Concert Tickets Burned Holes

 Infinite OGS Malaysia concert tickets are up for sale TODAY!
Ticket price:

  1. VVIP & VIP: RM683
  2. Rock Zone Free Standing: RM583
  3. PS1 Numbered Seating: RM583
  4. PS2 Free Seating: RM483
  5. PS3 Free Seating: RM383
  6. PS4 Free Standing: RM183
HELL. Are you kidding me?! I'm sorry, but from a reasonable mind, RM583 for Rock Zone & PS1?! Aren't they terribly expensive?

Latest update, all tickets except for Rock Zone and PS4 are SOLD OUT.

I'm aiming for PS4 online. Heck, I just want to watch them live since it will be held at Stadium Negara. It is claimed that you can still see them clearly from the top. But is it even worth going? I can't guarantee if I can make it because I'm not sure if my university will have events. I know mum's discouraging me because it's like I'm throwing my money away. But I worked extra hours for this and I am dying really want to go. 

To buy or not to buy?

And I really hate pushing around while lining up for the concert. 

August 15, 2013

Elecoldxhot Made Us Proud!

SHOUTOUT to Elecoldxhot for winning bronze HHI 2013 World Championship!

As a Malaysian, I can't help but feeling proud of them. Yes, we finally show to the world that we have great hip hop dancers as well. Congrats!!!

I just can't stop raping the 'like' button on this video. Impressive, synchronized and fun.

August 13, 2013




엄마, 당신은 행복?

ところで、大学はイギリスとか日本の大学じゃないです。残念だ、本当に。ペナンのUniversity of Sains Malaysiaっていうの大学です。マレーシアの一番よい大学って~。




August 7, 2013

My Future New Home For The Next One Year

My university just updated their offer letter to me and I found out which wonderful hostel I am about to spend a year in.

Desasiswa Cahay Gemilang.

A 30-year old apartment.

In which Matthias said, "At least it's not a 30-year old FLAT." True that, be thankful.

So I tried searching for pictures of this hostel and I couldn't find much. Turns out that many of the freshmen are lucky enough to get other hostels; half of them got into Desasiswa Aman Damai which is also an old hostel (count your blessings). I was lucky enough to stumble upon a senior's blog about her room in Cahaya Gemilang. I gotta admit, the room ain't as bad as I thought, except for the HANGING MIRROR IN FRONT THE BED! I'm not that typical Chinese with those ancient beliefs but it feels weird to wake up in the morning and the first thing that I have to stare at in the mirror, is my horrendous and sleepy face. I'd probably sleep the other way round.

On a brighter note, my hostel is near the swimming pool and the faculty, so thumbs up for that. I may need to walk a long way to the cafeteria, hence I guess I might be bringing a bicycle or a scooter along. I think I'll look ridiculous riding a scooter, dear Lord.

Cahaya Gemilang is situated in zone H (dark olive green area) whereas my faculty is in zone G (blue area). The swimming pool is in zone A (green area). Quite a large campus, eh? Alright, maybe I will look ridiculous riding my scooter around the campus. But, YOLO.

I'm looking forward to this. *trying to get into the mood*


I am truly excited for this!!! My guys are coming. 3 years of waiting for this to happen. 3 years of waiting to meet Yeol!!! This is one Saturday that I am prepared to sacrifice. I promise to be active in the hostel community activities. Just let me go to this one concert.

August 5, 2013

My Least Expectation - Sexual Harassment

I'll go straight to the point. I got sexually harassed by a pervert. Physically. Not raping.

Honestly, I've never expected this to happen. Once in Japan, someone tried to harass me sexually but ran away when I threaten to beat him up with my umbrella. Today, in my own country, I became a victim. Although I am well-determined to seek for revenge, I admit that I am traumatized. Mainly because I thought I could protect myself with my fighting skills and courage but I failed to do so. And this leads to my concern about  my own safety, my family's safety, my friends' safety, EVERYONE'S SAFETY.

Police? The court? Law? Come on, we got to admit that not much is being done, at least in Malaysia. Justice is no more justice. A rapist who married his victim was found not guilty...because he married his victim. Where in the world is there logic in this ridiculous case?! If the court could let go of this rapist, what about this sexual assaulter? We all know that if I were to report this man to the police, the most that they would do is fine him a few hundred ringgit and send him to jail for a few days. Then, when he is released, this guy will come back to me for revenge, either becoming a eunuch or raping and killing me. What happens if he succeeds in raping and killing me but failed to be caught by the police? What if he changes his target to my mum? My loved ones?

Is there any other ways to stop sexual assault doers, preventing them from committing more serious crimes? Can we actually trust the law enforcers because clearly now, most of us have begun to doubt their vow to seek justice and keep us safe. Do we have to settle things the street-law way instead, where out here, we become the jury, the judge and the executioner?

A little sexual harassment has traumatized me. What about the rape victims who survived? I cannot imagine the pain, humiliation, and anger they are going through. One of the rapes that caused a huge global uproar - the gang rape victim who died in India. I truly dare not imagine her feelings. And till now, I wonder if the rapists even realize what they did and how they felt about it. I really salute the victims who are actively in societies having war against rapists.

Rape is never the same as making love. Rape is forcing an unwilling person to have sex with you. Making love is having sex with each other mutually. Forcing someone to have sex with you is not like forcing a person to do labor for you. Because whether the victim is a virgin or not, sex affects the person not only physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, mentally and socially. It affects their pride and lives. You rape someone, you take away everything from them. You actually kill every part of them. I'd like to quote something from this article:

This harmful environment takes a toll on girls – in particular – resulting in increased absenteeism, trouble sleeping, and decreased productivity and academic performance. As Melissa articulated, it also gives the girls a clear message that has a ripple effect on their lives in general: “There is no place for me. I have no say over my body. I do not have power over my life.” 

I know, humans are weak whenever it comes to sexual stuff. But are we that weak to be so strong to hurt a person just to satisfy ourselves? Weird enough but true, there are those who enjoy harassing people; we call them sick psychos. But how and why did they become like this?

If you get sexually harassed,

  1. Scream for help. Run to someone and tell them about it.
  2. Kick the pervert in his balls or if you have a pepper spray with you, give his eyes a taste of it.
  3. Make sure you remember the pervert's physical features so that you can describe him when you make a police report.
  4. If you're in a secluded place, get out of there and head to a more crowded area. 
  5. Call your parents or guardians so that they know what has happened and they will tell you what to do next.
I should have crushed that pervert's balls and pushed him down the stairs. I don't trust the police or the court enough to punish this bastard. And yes, I am still hunting for him because I want to make him into a eunuch. At least, he will have to think twice before harassing or raping someone.

Stay safe.