September 10, 2012

Blessed Kittens

I love study breaks. It's all about taking my own sweet time studying at a comfortable pace. I had 5 days of study break to prepare for internal exams, and for the first time since my second Edexcel exam, I fell in love with studying. Alright, I admit I didn't study at all during the weekends. I was chilling around, hey, my internal exams is over! =P

While preparing for exams, my dad brought home an abandoned kitten. A really weak and skinny white kitten with serious eye infection. He was trapped in the drain opposite my house, and being a sensitive, emotional cat-lover, my dad decided to rescue it, hence took care of it. We named it Padi Chance, well, because we really wanted it to have a chance to recover from the eye infection and enjoy the beautiful world. While nursing its eyes with eye drops, we fed it with normal HUMAN milk. It wasn't a good choice because the milk doesn't have suitable nutrition for kittens. So my parents bought kitten milk the next day because the fragile kitten seemed to give up on life. Thank God, it grew a little stronger; we still had to give him eye drops and wiped away the pus forming in his eyes. I seriously thought that Padi Chance was gonna live long. But it was too weak that it left for Sugar Candy Mountain (heaven for animals, I learnt that from Animal Farm). Sadness engulfed my soul as I thought about it couldn't survive, couldn't run around like other healthy kittens. Nevertheless, it was lucky to feel loved by humans instead of dying in a dirty wet drain. I hope you're busy playing with other kittens up there, Padi Chance.

2 days after Padi Chance died, my dad and I had lunch in a sate stall where we found a skinny but adorable long-tailed ginger kitten. Very friendly and playful too. We both fell in love with it and decided to take care of it despite knowing that our cat Muk Ching would go ballistic seeing another cat intruding her area (our house). By the way, it's a female kitten and her name is Padi Pet. Please don't ask me why Padi, because I simply have no idea the reason my dad chose that name. Padi is a Malay word (I don't know if such word exists in other language, I apologise), meaning paddy.

Padi Pet is, thankfully, a healthy kitten although she lived near the dumpsters and fed on all kinds of food/rubbish. We have yet to neutralize and give her proper medication though. So far, she's feeling happy and enjoys exploring our house. You should have seen Muk Ching's face!!! She had that OMG-What-the-hell-is-this-biatch-doing-here look! Yeah, Muk Ching wasn't happy. In fact, she smacked Padi Pet twice!! I took her a few weeks to accept our male cat Carrefour back in 2007/2008? My mum, too, didn't welcome Padi Pet with open arms initially. I guess she's beginning to accept the kitten, judging from her attitude towards Padi Pet...she seems fine. My mum's rabbit, Beta, err...didn't even bother to make a fuss about Padi Pet, in other words, he doesn't really care about the kitten.

It was quite hard to toilet-train Padi Pet since we gave her an ice-cream box as her litter tray. Anyway, we just gave her a huge container (it was meant to be Beta's bed but it was too small for that fat rabbit) and I found her sitting happily in the middle of the container. Still no poop in there yet. Her survival skills are amazing since she was a stray cat. Padi Pet ran into the storeroom cupboard and hid on top of it the moment she heard our neighbour's dog barking. Very sharp movements. And oh, she is one hell of a good climber. She pratically climbs EVERYTHING. Having good agility, I caught her balancing herself on an opened window. A potential acrobat, I would say. A bloody mischievous rascal, Muk Ching would say.

I'll update you readers on Padi Pet, along with her photos in another post, aite? =)

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