February 7, 2013

When Grocery Shopping Goes To Hell

How many of you LOVE grocery shopping at those large supermarkets?

Honestly, I love it, especially when I am shopping for ingredients to cook. I even spent a long time in supermarkets in Japan back then. My longest record - 3 hours shopping for snacks in Tesco. And those were for the Orientation Camp prizes only. I spend too much time because I'm a fussy shopper, always comparing prices, net weights and quality. But that won't be my rant for today.

As much as I love grocery shopping at supermarkets, I also DESPISE it when they are crowded with selfish, thoughtless and bitchy shoppers.

I was at AEON supermarket recently, if I'm not mistaken, it was on last Saturday. My mum wanted to buy toppings for pizza, mostly veges, hence we ended up at the vegetables and fruits section. Here's how the section looked like. Basically, a massive traffic jam consisting of  female shoppers from all ages with their bulky trolleys although there were some who only shopped for LESS THAN 5 items. Nope, they weren't holding baskets. And yes, we even had baby strollers with crying babies! And the best part of it, nobody moved for at least every 2 minutes because some selfish morons decided to leave their trolleys in the middle of the aisles to rush to elsewhere. Sadly, moving those trolleys aside made no difference simply because there was no space to move at all. It was also pointless to have loud sighs or even a polite "excuse me" around because these selfish shoppers didn't seem to care about the hundreds of other people who were stuck halfway no thanks to their lack of consideration for others.

While queuing up to weigh vegetables, an old lady behind me had the audacity to push me with her trolley although clearly, the line wasn't moving! What, you want me to push everybody out of the line so that you can weigh your stuff? Na-ah! I know there are people who would say, "Oh, she's an elderly, why don't you give her some space and show her respect?" Excuse me, first of all, she was being rude and pushy. Pushing me would never make the queue miraculously shorter, instead it's bloody annoying. Second, so what if she's an elderly? Don't get me wrong, I do my part as a youth towards the old people. When they need a seat in the bus or train or need help to walk down the stairs, I help them. But being an elderly doesn't give them the 'wrong' right to take advantage of their physical conditions to push people around. Third, I find it difficult for me to respect people who don't respect others. That old lady was lucky that I was patient enough by just holding her trolley back with my foot.

Then, we had uncontrollable kids wrecking havoc in the supermarket. Where on Earth were you, dear children's parents?! Your kids were about to bring the whole building down! What were you even thinking when you let them run around freely, bumping into others causing shopping bags to fall, when obviously you knew that they can't behave properly? Or were you actually ignorant? Or perhaps you were proud of them? I can't count the number of times I felt like smacking kids who pushed past others rudely. Whatever happened to 'excuse me'? Did you not teach your children to be polite to others? Sure, run around and spill sweets everywhere for they are kids, but please don't forget the words 'excuse me', 'please', 'sorry' and 'thank you'.

Speaking about smacking kids, my nephew who is almost 2 years old, slapped my aunt (his grandaunt) a few days ago. Whatever my aunt's response (which I am not going to reveal) was plainly not effective to let him know that he should not have done that. I told my mum that I would slap him back if I were in my aunt's shoe. So my mum said that I should not be too sadistic(?) or maybe too strict because he is still small. I think that I will have trouble raising my future children up. Because I might smack or spank them whenever they are rude despite their age. I honestly don't have a vivid memory on how my mum disciplined me but her ways are effective. Now this raising-up thing is making me doubt whether I would want to have children or not.

If you have any advice, opinions or thoughts on how to discipline a child or anything about grocery shopping, feel free to leave a comment in the box below or send me a message in my tumblr. :)

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